SG Aero


SG Aero injectors are specially designed for safe and smooth delivery of IOL Cartridge & pusher are made of Bio Compatible polymers (Supply can be made EO sterile or non sterile bulk packing and colors of customer’s choice).

Product Descriptions

SG Aero injectors having different design to deliver Hydrophilic / Hydrophobic IOLs, It is so designed to deliver the IOLs in smooth manner, which will ease loading IOL procedure during surgery

SG Aero 280 (Suitable for Hydrophilic & Hydrophobic IOLs incision 2.80mm)

SG Aero 260 (Suitable for Hydrophilic & Hydrophobic IOLs incision 2.60mm)

SG Aero 240 (Suitable for Hydrophilic & Hydrophobic IOLs incision 2.40mm)

SG Aero 220 (Suitable for Hydrophilic & Hydrophobic IOLs incision 2.20mm)

SG Aero 180 (Suitable for Hydrophobic IOL incision 1.80mm)

Advantages Design

1.Top loading of cartridges for more safety

2.Direct loading of IOLs, folding of IOL is not necessary, safety for the haptics.

3.Ergonomic model considering the physician requirements

4.Soft sliding effect during injection

5.The piston is having a special lock, so that it will prevent the movement of pusher in the idle/packed condition

6.Injector body having telescopic guides for the proper straight linear motion during injection of IOL.

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